Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Your homebuying vocabulary lesson...en español

It always helps to know the language when doing deals in a foreign country. Even though it isn't necessary to speak Spanish to buy property in Mexico, it can certainly help you to better understand the process.

FIDECOMISO (fee-day-co-miso) - renewable bank trust

CASA (ka-sa) - house

CONDOMINIO (con-do-men-e-o) - condo

IMPUESTOS (em-pue-stos) - taxes

TASA DE INTERES (ta-sa de en-ter-es) - interest rate

VALOR CATASTRAL (val- or ka-tas-trall) - official value of the property

IMPUESTO PREDIAL (em-pue-sto pre-dee-al) - property tax

BIENES RAICES (bee-en-es rye-e-ses) - real estate

NOTARIO (no-tar-e-o) - Notary (different than notary in the U.S.)

If you have any questions or come across any words in Spanish and you would like to know what they mean, just drop me a line!

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