Friday, November 16, 2007

Do I need to speak Spanish to live in Mexico?

Many people are enticed by the thought of living in a foreign country. New adventures, new food, a new language, new friends...

If you don't speak the language of the area you are planning to move to, don't worry! The very best way to learn a new language is by immersion. It is difficult at first--not understanding what they are asking or not knowing how to get your point across--but it does get better. You can use sign language, draw things on napkins, or even play charades to communicate in your new language. I highly suggest watching the local tv channels and reading the newspapers in Spanish. While it may seem like you aren't getting anywhere at first you will be amazed at how many words you start to pick up.

In Mexico, the locals are very appreciative of anyone who tries to speak Spanish. Your effort shows that you are respectful of the culture and interested in getting to know the people.

On the other hand, if you have a difficult time learning languages or memorizing, don't despair. There are plenty of expat communities where the main language spoken is English, however, learning Spanish will make your life much easier and your new life in Mexico much more fulfilling.

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