Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Las Posadas - A Mexican Holiday Tradition

The month of December in Mexico is all about celebration. From the Virgin of Guadalupe Day on December 12th up to Noche Buena, or Christmas Eve, the streets are filled with festive decor and celebrating townspeople. One popular Mexican tradition around the holidays is known as "Las Posadas" which is the re-enactment of Jesus and Mary's search for shelter the night that Mary was to give birth to Jesus. People fill the streets of small towns and go house to house singing songs asking for shelter and neighbors sing back. The procession usually ends up at the local church, where the participants are let in and enjoy local treats like warm churros, candy, and more.

This tradition can be seen throughout Mexico, but it is especially popular in small towns. Many Mexicans who have immigrated to the US continue the tradition in the Latino communities.

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